
The conference is designed to emphasize networking and interaction amongst active researchers across oceanographic domains of importance to monitoring and surveillance and across Portugal and EEA member states. Participants will be expected to robustly challenge and be challenged by others not necessarily in their own fields of academic interest using an interactive session after each set of ‘theme’ related presentations. These themes will range across science and technology, and across Physical, Biological, Geological and Chemical oceanography, genetics, bio-diversity,toxicology, micro-biology among others. Technologically, we expect researchers across the domain of robotics, control theory, artificial intelligence crossed with the disciplines of Computer Science, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.

Each invited speaker will be asked to speak not more than a total of 30 minutes with a maximum of 15 viewgraphs. The content of the presentation should clearly articulate the principal challenges and existing effort of the presenter and others in the state of the art and practice. Talks will be arranged on specific themes, at the end of which all speakers will interact with the audience on a panel for Q&A. All events will be moderated by the organizers to keep time. Besides interactive discussions other opportunities for further discussion and interaction will be provided outside these formal sessions. Actual location of the event in Porto will be decided soon. All interactions will be in English.